She grew and grew, but her clothes still fit, no matter the weight she was gaining. The Moblins then put a tube into Medli's mouth and the tube flows with sweet liquid and she feels her clothes become even tighter, and her once-panties snapped. On the … The blonde ponytailed winner, clad at the time in a tan mawashi, was of average height and was of a below average weight for the sport of sumo, but he had above … It was a miracle that her Loftwing could even carry her. By the time Link came to, Midna’s body had half-engulfed him. # 1093746 The girls from the Zelda series start packing on the pounds.84K subscribers Subscribe 25K views 7 months ago Some extreme weight gain or … Zelda's weight gain continues 1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-1-2-2- #11: The Patient and the Impatient 1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-1-2-2-1- #12: In Ganondorf's favour, and it pumps with ex 1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-2- … Now Link gazed upon a pair of breasts nearly as massive as the belly he had just seen, two nearly incomprehensible globes capped with long, thick nipples, and areola at … Legend of Zelda: Weight Gain Interactive by Gronker Rated: 18+ There are some guidelines and … There's no defined timeline, but this is adult Link. She looked down too see a bulge in her stomach. She rolled herself into the water and began draining it with all her might. 7K Views (One thing for Navi, lets put fairy pounds as equal to grams. 'Every time she burps she's gaining weight, and every burp is louder than the last!'.