Tenacity to a foul mindset, much like venom to a forked tongue, is a much too dangerous concoction to ever exist. Not everyone is Snake Man's enemy however, as he's known to find his comfort with his buddy, Toad Man reportedly, this feeling is not mutual.

And while Snake Man doesn't have any weapons that rely completely on force, he keeps track of prey through the usage of camouflaged miniature snakes, dubbed the "Search Snakes." Fitting with his snake-ish appearance, Snake Man's vile and deceptive, a sneaky creature that revels in the cornering of all prey! This has led to multiple moral clashes between him and the mighty giant, Hard Man, whose beliefs in a fair and just battle naturally counter Snake Man's more behind-the-scenes mindset. Unfortunately, Snake Man himself wasn't too fond of his occupation, and thus gladly took on the proposition to make Mega Man his prey! It's with this hunter mindset that Snake Man's battle tactics are entirely spun off of, utilizing and relying on ambush techniques in order to use the element of surprise to completely overwhelm opponents. While varying in function, the Mega Buster is most well known for shooting yellow shots of energy and possessing the ability to be charged to fire a Charge Shot. Whats Your Favorite MegaMan X 1- 3 Charged Buster Shot I would like to know which one you like the best, I'm personally leaning to 1 and 2 but I say I like the first MegaMan X buster shot the best. Someone has to traverse through narrow places no human could squeeze into, hence the conception of Snake Man. Mega Buster, known as the Rock Buster ( Rokku Basut) in Japan, is a powerful arm cannon that is utilized by those named Mega Man in the eponymous franchise.